Friday, March 26, 2010

Piroshki with mini frankfurters

I always forget to take pictures of the results of my attempts. And when I do remember, most of the food has vanished in our bellies. I made at least 2 dozen of these mini Piroshki and this is all that's left for the snapshot. :-s Which is, come to think about it, absolutely not a bad sign :-)

After I made a lemon-cheesecake I had some yoghurt left. Instead of consuming it plain as it is, I searched on the internet for recipes with yoghurt as an ingredient. I came upon this snack. I think the yoghurt works really well in this recipe: never had I worked with such supple dough. And the piroshki didn't turn into little bricks when cooled down, as has been my experience with other dough-recipes. :-)

You can make the filling as you like, but because it was my first attempt, I didn't want to spoil some minced meat should the dough go bad. Instead I used mini-frankfurters to keep the savoury taste. By the way: they tasted real good, especially fresh out of the oven! :-D

Here's the recipe I used:

- 300 gr. flour
- 5 ts milk
- 125 ml yoghurt
- 1 egg
- 4 tb vegetable oil
- 1 packet baking powder
- pinch of salt
- beaten egg to glaze

Mix everything in a bowl until you got a smooth dough-mixture. If it's too sticky, gradually add some more flour.

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