Friday, March 26, 2010

Peridot crystal balls

No, these are not frogspawn, as my sister calls it. It may look the same, but surely that's all they have in common :-)

These are peridot crystal balls. At least, that's what they're called on the site I've found the recipe.

It looked too cool not to try it myself and luckily I had all the ingredients needed for this dessert.

In case you're wondering why I went through all this trouble just to make two balls: there were more of them, but when I remembered to take a picture, only these two were left :-)

Unfortunately the taste was not quite as spectacular as the appearance (look at the bright green color!!) It actually tasted kinda weird. But that can also be because I left out the coconut milk and because I'm not a big fan of the heart of yellow split bean paste.

But I will definitely make it again one day! Think about the surprised faces when serving this dessert to others! :-D

And another tasty looking picture :-D

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