Saturday, March 20, 2010

My very first Kawasaki Rose

I don't remember precisely when I got interested in origami. It could be when I happen to come upon the Kawasaki Rose on the internet when I was surfing without a purpose. I was immediately intrigued by the ingenious way of folding a piece of paper so that it looks like a rose. Of course I knew of the art of origami long before that, I just wasn't aware of the extent of it. Until then origami was only folded lilies and cranes to me. Only lilies and cranes... now see how limited I was in my knowledge? :-)

After seeing how lovely a folded Kawasaki Rose is, I had to try one myself. And tried I did! I found this very clear instruction on Youtube that helped me made my very first one. Back then I didn't have 'real' origamipaper so I used ordinary college paper.

This has been a few months ago now (that short period?? It actually feels like I've been folding for ages! :-D). Since then I have 'mastered' the skill of folding the K-rose. And I plan to make many more of them! :-D :-D

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