Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Where do I begin...

I love to make things with my hands. Whether that's with paper, paint, needle, wool or just baking something tasteful in our kitchen :-) I may be just an amateur, but every time I finish one of my 'projects' (as I like to call the subject on which I'm working at the moment) I feel happy seeing the result being not so bad at all. Most of the time it even looks like it should. :-)

Only recently I came upon the idea to put pictures of my makings on the internet to share it with others. I can assure this has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to show off my skills!! :-p :-p (Though it is nice to hear people admiring your work. Hey, just being human here :-D).
Wish I thought about it earlier, it would have been a great advantage to my own administration recalling going through all the different folders containing pictures on my harddrive in search for that one picture :-)

I found out it's really not hard to make something, if only you put your mind to it. Yes, it can be annoying if the process of making is not going as fast as you thought it would go or if the material does exactly the opposite of what you have had in mind. But in the end, if you see what you are capable of doing, all the efforts are worth it. And if is doesn't work out this time, there will always be a next try. I sure have my fair share of tries! :-D
Also an interest in handiwork and having skillful hands does help one get started. :-)

Well, I hope this may be the beginning of a new, endless 'project' with lots of inspirational pictures!! :-D

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