Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kitchen princess... or pastry chef??

My mum is a great cook, my sisters are great cooks..... except for my youngest sister. Although I know she won't starve should she be in the situation of having to cook for herself. She's just a bit lazy since she's still living with my parents and therefore having a mum around taking care of everything, including the cooking part. At least she can brag about her homemade sushi. That is one of the few dishes I have no intention of ever making it. And why should I, knowing one who can :-p

Now how to describe my own cooking talent without bringing injustice to the truth?? Well, let me put it this way: my meals are edible and we only eat deep fried/take out/pizza once in a very long time :-) I think I'm an average cook and I know I will never ever hit top chef level.

But I love to bake! I love to make pastries, cookies, little snacks whether it's sweet or savoury. And I love trying to make desserts from Asian cultures! Each weekend I have to make an attempt in the kitchen, just to see if the recipe and the result are worth another try. Luckily most times they are. :-)
Sometimes I feel sorry for my hubby for making him sample everything I bake. Especially when it tastes entirely different than it should. But it's a good sign if he likes what I have made, because when it comes to food he's quite picky :-)

1 comment:

  1. Very good, dear colleague. If you ever fancy a guinea pig to try out some of that delicious stuff you cook, just give me a call.

    Cheers, Yde
