Monday, August 30, 2010

A whole plate of Piroshki's!

When I'm baking something, at least I'm smart enough to take some pictures of the result immediately after it comes out of the oven. Unfortunately the same can not be said about immediately including the pictures on my blog. So now I have these pictures of piroshki's I've made somewhere in april of this year. I came upon them when I was sorting out pictures on my computer.

All I can remember is that they looked far better than they tasted (though surely they were not that bad!!). That's partly due to the filling I've used (some minced pork mixed with the usual ingredients) and partly because the dough somehow didn't work out quite well like the first time.

And maybe I should have used less dough and some more filling, because the balance between dough and filling tipped in favor of the dough. Even I wondered what had happened to the filling after trying one of them! Well, at least I know what to do different next time! And there will definitely be a next time, because when prepared well... ... well... once you pop, you can't stop!

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