Monday, August 23, 2010

Cookies and more cookies! :-D

My elder sister and I are two totally different persons, although some would say they can actually see some similarities in our appearances which make me think: yeah.. right ;-). But there is one thing we sure have in common: our love for cookbooks, mine preferably pastry cookbooks. Every once in a while I expand my cookbook collection with yet another purchase. And every once in a while my sister contributes to my collection too :-)

For my birthday she gave me two pastry books: one about making muffins, the other with recipes for cookies. Haven't tried the muffin recipes yet, but one day in the near future I think I will surprise my colleagues with a bunch of muffins to sample yet another one of my bakings. (As if they mind!) :-D

Anyway, I've been looking for ages for the perfect recipe to make edible cookies. The cookies based on the recipes I've used so far turned out stone hard when they've cooled down. I'm not kidding, but you could seriously break some teeth on them. Just ask my victi... oops, pardon me: my sisters :-p

Because of my experiences with other cookies recipes I didn't expect much of the recipes in the book my sister gave me. But I thought it couldn't hurt to try it anyway. Not only is the basic recipe very easy to follow, but you can also add a lot of your own additions to it. Last week I tried to make two colored cookies: vanilla with chocolate. They turned out pretty tasteful and, most important: they stayed crunchy instead of turning into painful jawbreakers :-D

Quite happy with this outcome I decided to sacrifice my Sunday afternoon to make another bunch of cookies. This time I made almond covered vanilla biscuits and lime-flavored cookies. I took the cookies to work and shared them with my colleagues. Well... think I've made some new friends now ;-)

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