Monday, August 30, 2010

A family of Sonobes

I consider the sonobe to be the most easiest modular origami to make. The units are easy to fold and the assembling is not that hard comparing to, well.. uhm.. some other modular origami, like the five intersecting tetrahedra. ;-)

My very first sonobe is the big yellow/orange/purple one, consisting of 30 units made out of paper seize 5 by 5 cm. For the smaller y/o/p sonobe and the largest colorful one I needed only 16 units, therefor it has less spikes.

All the other sonobes in the pictures are made with paper seize 2,5 by 2,5 cm. I started the red series with a 30 unit-model, the next one has 16 units, followed by one with 4 units (as you can see that makes a square) and the tiniest one has only 3 units. Don't they make a cute family together? :-)

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