Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First try Banh Cuon!

Does the dish not look delicious?? It's almost good enough to be serve in a restaurant! And best part is: I made it myself!! :-D

The first time I've made it and it didn't turn out that bad if I may say.
Actually, this is the result of the second try on the same day. As it happened, I've been spending all morning trying to make the steamed version with pre-mixed batter. But every scoop of batter kept sticking to the cloth (which was not of the right material by the way) and I couldn't get the cloth taut over the pan to start with. Also, the solid substantial I scraped off the cloth (it should come off like a paper thin crepe, instead I got some sticky, flexible ball of dough) didn't smell like the ones my mom makes (most probably because of the tapioca starch that's in the mix) so no more pre-mixed bater for me.

After a quick emergency call to my mom to get her recipe for the batter and some extra tips, I put aside the pan-turned-steamer and used a non-stick frying pan instead. And look at the result!
Buried under all the supplements one can hardly tell the rolls are made by an inexperienced cook! :-D
I only forgot to sprinkle the dish with some fried onion.. :-s

For those who wants to know what's in and should be in the dish:
- ricepaper rolls filled with minced meat, chopped onion and wood ear mushroom, seasoned with salt and freshly grind pepper;
- sliced Vietnamese ham (cha lua)
- sliced deep fried tofu;
- a mixture of steamed bean sprouts, Thai basil leaves and sliced cucumber;
- fried onion, which I forgot;
- fish sauce to bind all the different tastes.

A plain plate with only the rolls

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