Monday, May 31, 2010

Blue Kusudama with a touch of fuchsia

When my sister saw the yellow kusudama, she wanted one herself.
As requested, I made a blue one for her. But I didn't like an all blue one, so I 'sneaked' in two fuchsia-colored flowers :-) Luckily she liked this variation (as if she had any choice! :- D)

Butterfly Kusudama

Own design! The beads, that is! :-p

This is a butterfly Kusudama. The paper I used has red edges with a white heart and a touch of black between. I cut the paper in four so I got both red and white edges. Half of the kusudama is made with the red edge as the outer corner and the other half with the white as the dominant color. Instead of a standard tassel made of threads, I made mine of beads. This way I can design my own tassels so none of my Kusudamas are alike. I love Kusudamas! I plan to make a lot more of them! :-D
This one I donated to one of my sisters by the way ;-)